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Prostitution & Solicitation

Prostitution and/or Solicitation can be a serious criminal offense. One look at today’s headlines will give you all the information you need on our society’s attitudes toward prostitution and solicitation. Though some would argue that both are victimless crimes, both California’s laws and its zealous prosecutors think otherwise. A conviction for prostitution or solicitation in Los Angeles could not only endanger your reputation and your career, but could equal stiff financial penalties and even serious jail time.

Prostitution laws vary depending on the circumstances of each case. Unfortunately, sting operations and undercover officers are becoming more and more common. Even if a sex act is not performed, the intent to perform such an act can be construed as a crime and prosecuted aggressively.

The penalties for prostitution and solicitation can carry overwhelming consequences. More devastating and more serious are the lifelong consequences of a prostitution-related conviction. Personal relationships can be destroyed, professional licenses and memberships revoked and future job prospects sullied. You’ve spent a lifetime building up your good name, so don’t throw it away without a fight.

Luckily, people accused of prostitution and/or solicitation have a variety of options. The right California prostitution defense attorney can fight for your rights in court, keeping you out of jail or reducing your penalties and working to keep your good name intact by using smart legal strategies to get out of a humiliating conviction.

Given the complexity of criminal defense in general and prostitution and/or solicitation cases in particular, it is vital that you choose a Los Angeles solicitation defense lawyer who combines experience with a good track record, a thorough understanding and familiarity with the law and the local courts, and a commitment to each and every client. If you have you been accused of prostitution and/or solicitation, your time to get the right experienced criminal defense attorney is limited. The Law Offices of Jonathan I. Kelman has successfully represented numerous clients charged with prostitution and/or solicitation throughout the State of California. The Law Offices of Jonathan I. Kelman prides itself on aggressive representation with a personal touch. Armed with the knowledge and experience to build a winning defense, Jonathan I. Kelman is accustomed to taking on the criminal justice system and achieving the best results for his clients.

When your future is on the lineā€¦ Call the Law Offices of Jonathan I. Kelman immediately. Your phone consultation is free and completely confidential.

Office Locations

12711 Ventura Blvd.
Ste. 410
Studio City, CA 91604

11755 Wilshire Boulevard
15th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90025

106 1/2 Judge John Aiso
Ste. #110
Los Angeles, CA 90012

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